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Everything about dublinbikes

07 November 2017 · 2 min read
Bike in Dublin - Bike Ride

Dublin is perfect if you want to use a bike, there are a lot of bicycle paths all over the city and the city has a service of public bikes, the Just Eat dublinbikes. Here are some answers to questions you can ask.

Where can I get one for myself?

Just Eat dublinbikes stations are located throughout the city centre to enable easy access and optimal use. You can find all the stations here. Our hotel, the Davenport is close to some stations just as the other hotels near Trinity College Dublin.

For how long can I hire a bike in Dublin?

Just Eat dublinbikes allow you to rent a bike for no more than 24 hours. The system has been devised for short journeys so if you don’t return your bike within 24 hours, the deposit of €150 is automatically debited from your credit card or bank account and Just Eat dublinbikes will seek to recover the bike.

Dublin bike

How and where can I find helping terminals to avail of this service?

There is a terminal at every station, all terminals accept an Annual Card, an associated Leap Card or a 3 day ticket.
These allow you to:
– select a bike
– consult your account
– view availability of bikes and stands at other stations
– check the station map
– locate a credit card enabled terminal
Be careful not all of them are credit card enabled terminals, here is a list to help you.

What are the basic charges?

There are two different ways to rent your dublinbike, with an Annual Card which costs €25 or with a 3 Day ticket which costs €5. The best thing with those bikes is that the first 30 minutes of use is free on every bike. After this first half-hour, a service charge applies which is debited from your Just Eat dublinbikes account if you have an Annual Card or associated Leap Card or from your credit card if you have selected a 3 Day ticket. Go here to see the details.

Are there any specific guidelines?

There are some things you need to know before you hire a bike.

  • You have to be 14 years old or more.
  • A guarantee of €150 is required.
  • You can’t hire a bike between 12:30am and 5:00am

Go there to see all the guidelines.

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